Public Shooting Range

Updated in the summer of 2020, the Ouachita Parish Public Range has facilities accommodating archery, pistols, rifles (up to 200 yards) and Five-Stand Trap Shooting. 

Basic Range Procedures

1. No weapons are allowed in the Range House! NO EXCEPTIONS!
2. When a shooter signs in to use the range, he/she agrees to follow all safety rules.
3. Take only one target frame down range. Be sure you bring your target frame back in before leaving the firing line.
4. Law Enforcement Officers will be governed by the same rules and regulations as the public shooters.
5. NO alcohol or drugs allowed on this facility.
6. NO smoking or use of tobacco products is allowed on the firing line.
7. Shooters less than 16 years of age must have adult supervision with range safety knowledge.
8. Eye and ear protection is required on the firing line when the line is “Hot”, NO EXCEPTIONS!
9. It is the shooter’s responsibility to know that ALL cased weapons and magazines are safe and unloaded.
10. If you have a weapon that the action will not stay locked open, ask the Range Officer to show you the “SPENT BRASS TRICK”.
11. NEVER touch, handle, pick up or load a weapon on the shooting table or bench when the firing line has been declared “COLD”. NO EXCEPTIONS!
12. When the line is “COLD”, stand behind the yellow line. If you go down range, observe this “YELLOW LINE” rule when you return. You may go back to the table/bench ONLY when the command “LINE IS HOT” has been given.
13. Shooters are responsible for policing litter, cartridge cases, etc. from around his/her shooting table/bench.
14. Shooters who damage or destroy Range Property, intentional or not, are liable for the cost of the repair or replacement of the property.
15. The Range Master will make all decisions for the closing of the Range due to bad weather or hazardous conditions.
16. The violation of any Range Safety Rule is grounds for immediate expulsion from the facility with forfeiture of any fees or monies paid. Severe or repeated violations may result in loss of membership and permanent exclusion.

Archery Range

Within the grounds of the Ouachita Parish Sheriff’s Office Training Center and Public Range lies the OPSO Archery Park. This park was built by OPSO with the assistance of local businesses with the goal of bringing a first class archery facility to the Ouachita Parish area for public use.
The archery park consists of seven bag targets with marked known distances ranging from 15 to 60 yards.

Range personnel are available to assist archers if needed.


The park has a 12 foot high shooting deck equipped with staircases and safety railing for elevated shooting. This site can be used year round for hunting style shots and is set up with 3D targets and bag targets.


This area is set up with a special shooting pad that has three long range large targets to choose from, ranging from 40 to 60 yards.  It is located in the area near the far end of the range.

All archers are asked to check in to the park at the Public Rifle range located at the far end of the facility.

Click the link below for a video tour of the Archery Range:

We look forward to you visiting the range.

Five-Stand Sporting Clay Range

The Sporting Clay 5-Stand Range is located inside the Rifle Range facility, across the parking lot to the north of the shooting range.  It has been made possible in part with funds from the National Wild Turkey Federation.

Shooters are required to furnish their own weapon and shells.  A fee of $7.00 per round of shooting, (25 shots) is due per shooter. Clays are furnished.

Safety regulations, such as checking in with the range officer on-duty before using and the use of 7 ½ shot only, are posted on the sign at the entrance.  Please read and follow all of the regulations closely. Operating hours are the same as those of the shooting range.

The range has five covered stands that accommodate up to five shooters on the line at a time.  Shelters with picnic tables are available nearby.

If you enjoy sport clay shooting, you will surely enjoy the facility.


Shooting Range*: $10 per day/$100 per year

Archery*: $5 per day/$50 per year

Five-Stand Trap Shoot: $7 per round (25 throws)

*Veterans, Law Enforcement, and Senior Citizens (65+) FREE

Hours of Operation:

Wednesday-Friday:   9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Saturday:               8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

5 Stand Closed on Sundays

Closed Monday and Tuesday


P: 318.410.2427

Map to the Range